Monday 24 October 2011

Ben Nevis - Done....

Well, i am now thoroughly knackered having climbed to the highest point in the UK! Here's my journey....

John (My best man) and i set off from my house at around 08:30 am on Friday 21st Oct, we picked up Karl the cameraman on route at about 08:45. Without further delay we journeyed north. Karl and John and Karl shared the driving as we followed the motorways, we were all a little excited about what was to come although John was a little under the weather with a head cold.

We got to Glasgow and John took over the driving to negotiate the winding highland roads, the scenery was aparently stunning and was definately something to appreciate. We had a couple of stops as Karl mounted his Go-Pro camera onto the car so that he could get some footage, he was a little nervous at the prospect of losing the kit, but his fears were unfounded as even the manic driving of John couldn't dis-lodge the camera.

We arrived at the Ben Nevis Inn at around 18:30 and after a bight to eat, we hit the sack for an early night and an early start in the morning.

We rose at 06:00 amd got ourselves prepared with plenty of energy food and water, dressed in wet weather gear, we set off on the approach to Ben Nevis. It was dark and the wind was blowing strong.

As we made our way up the approach, the rocks and ground proved to be challenging, i was feeling tired early on and i was already doubting the decision!

We finished the approach and turned into a big valley to start on Ben Nevis, as we did so we were hit by the 70-80 mph winds and rain that had been forecast! We quickly got balaclavas on, hoods up, heads down and pushed on up the mountain. It was soon after this that i raised my concerns to John, it was so windy and at times we were been blown about and almost of our feet. We agreed to push on and make a call in an hour.

The wind and rain persisted, but we had made some good time and were coming on to the last ascent going directly up as opposed to dog legging.

There was no turning back now, we had plenty of time left in the day and despite early tiredness, i was feeling a lot better. As we climbed we did get to a little snow and then i heard the sound of many voices, this was the signal that has greeted ne at the top of every peak and it the sound of fellow mountain climbers talking excitedly as they to have just completed a truly tough challenge!

We got to the top, took the obligatory photos, had a bite to eat and within 10 minutes were off back down.

The descent in many ways is far more challenging than the ascent, it really takes it's toll on my body as i try and find foot holds without slipping and by the time we were half way down, i was very tired physically and mentally.

All that said, we made it down, somewhat dirty, soaking wet and aching.

The hot shower and pint at the bar were a well deserved treat and we were all very chuffed with the result!

John and I have now climbed all 3 peaks, it has been a pleasure and a challenge and i owe a hell of a lot to John for his, support and guidance! Ben Nevis was tough, i still have a lot of training to do, so plenty more walks to do and i hope that we can do another training weekend before we get to Kili in Feb.

As always, i will keep you posted.


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